To ALL the fathers out there who day in and day out stand up and be the man in your childs life. TAKE A BOW!

     There should be a televised parade, a trophy ceremony, everyone gets a championship ring, crowds of fathers showered in champagne while bouquets of roses are thrown at their feet. Awards ceremonies for BEST dads. A day to honor and praise fatherhood and WHAT it means to the stability of civilization and more.

     In modern American culture FATHERS play a very important role, especially now that grandparents are not involved as much. TEACH your children manners, respect, responsibility, consequences, financial independence, critical thinking, BIG dreaming, challenge them to challenge themselves to be their BEST, to love thy neighbor, and always do the RIGHT thing. Its a FATHERS responsibility to pAss on the wisdom and help.propel their offspring to GREATNESS.

    My personal journey as a father has been a long tumultuous and heartwrenching journey but it has taught me so much about life, love,  respect, humility, sacrifice, aspirations, time management and persistence.  From My 1st born in 1992 to my last in 2001. I LOVE YOU! There is GREATNESS in all if YOU,  go out and CHANGE the world, LIVE your dreams and LOVE every minute of it. #PEACE#LOVE #HAPPINESS

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